How many times has social anxiety stopped you from showing up in your business?  

 Go from constantly anxious and overwhelmed to calm and in control with my 3 month group coaching program. 

Conquer Anxiety Today for Only $297!

Imagine feeling confident and at ease when networking, pitching your ideas or speaking in public.   

Picture yourself effortlessly connecting with others, building meaningful relationships, and growing your business without the burden of fear and insecurity weighing you down.

Using nothing but your breath and your toolbox of strategies that you've got in your back pocket.

The truth is that Mindfulness Meditation and Mental Health Skills training is the quickest & most effective way to stop overthinking and end self-doubt for good. 


Take control of anxiety

Sounds fantastic & impossible?

I get it. I used to feel the same way. 

Hi, I'm Charlene and I used to be so socially anxious that I struggled with talking to anyone. Even friends.

I had lifelong anxiety and always thought that this was it. That confidence and just being able to talk to someone was for other people. That this was something I was always going to struggle with. And then I was hit by a bus (literally) and started learning mindfulness meditation to help me manage my anxiety.  

Suddenly, I could talk to people. I went from needing my friend to speak to the waiter on my behalf to traveling on my own, attending conferences and expanding my social network. 

 All because I learned how to get out of my head, and into my life. 

Now, I’m taking everything I learned as a psychotherapist and mindfulness-based stress reduction teacher to help you learn how to manage your social anxiety so that you can thrive as an entrepreneur. 

For an entrepreneur, so many of things that we do on a daily basis can cause social anxiety to rear its ugly head. 

  • Attending a networking event? 
  • Launching a new program? 
  • Showing up on social media? 
  • Growing your network? 


All of these can be incredibly daunting when you have social anxiety. Imagine if instead of having racing thoughts, a pounding heart, sweaty palms and a pit inside of your stomach you could feel calm and ease? 

 Picture it...

  • You've signed up to attend a networking event and your biz bestie who was supposed to come with you had to cancel. 
  • Now you have to decide "do I just back out and not go? Or do I brave it and go on my own?"
  • Just then, you notice that your mind is racing telling you all of the ways that this could go wrong. And remember that time that you spent the whole night hiding in the corner because even the idea of speaking to someone you didn't know sent your heart racing. 
  • You start replaying all the ways that things can go wrong. Now your palms are sweaty and you'll probably drop your wine glass and it will shatter all over the floor and now everyone is staring and can the earth please open up and swallow me whole?? 
  • Only, you're still at home, the networking event isn't for another 3 hours and this scenario is just playing out inside of your head. 

What happened? 

Your anxiety showed up…

  • ...and now you find yourself in your head thinking about all of the ways that this night could go wrong and how its better if you just stay home.
  • Ugh, you feel like you just can’t get past that initial push of trusting yourself & challenging yourself for something bigger & better. 
  • You feel like this is just how things are and you will never get better so what's the point in even trying. Time to put your pjs on and curl up on the couch instead. 
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I totally get it because I was that chronic over thinker, socially anxious person who struggled with talking to friends let alone strangers. 

After years of feeling like I was never good enough I was finally able to stop mentally beating myself up. 

Join the journey!
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  • Now, imagine this...
  • you can attend networking events without the overwhelming fear and struggle of talking to people. You know exactly what to say, feel comfortable in your skin and you end the night feeling calm and relaxed with the knowledge that you've made a few connections.
  • you can pitch your ideas, programs, and courses without fear of judgement or rejection.
  • You could engage in conversations effortlessly, building meaningful connections with potential clients and collaborators finally giving you the confidence to guest on other peoples podcasts. 
  • Instead of getting caught up in self-doubt & imposter syndrome you know that you can choose to ignore that voice and instead to trust in your self and your worth. 
  • When all those little worries crop up you’re not concerned because you’ve got all the skills and tools needed to find peace, freedom and happiness that is available to you. 

That this can be your reality every day. 

Don't let social anxiety hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards healing and managing your anxiety by joining How to Manage Social Anxiety as an Entrepreneur program today.


Together, we will create a supportive environment where you can grow, thrive and conquer your fears. Embrace the possibilities that await you on this transformative journey. 

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You deserve everything you put your mind to and I'm going to help you get there.

In 2004, I graduated from university with my BA in psychology with the plan to continue on to grad school. Only my inner critic showed up and talked me out of it. 

10 long years later, I'm now a registered psychotherapist. Proving that with the power of mindfulness you too can go after your dreams and make them a reality. 

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Hey there, I'm Charlene.

I help people just like you who are struggling with doubt, overwhelm and living with fear-based thinking.

I'm a psychotherapist and Mindfulness teacher. I'm also the founder of The Mindfulness Journey.

Growing up I was the dictionary definition of shy and socially anxious. I struggled with talking to pretty much anyone. My inner critic would show up EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Even the idea of striking up a convo with someone would trigger my anxiety. I used to write out our pizza order before calling it in and it was always the same and not even a little bit complicated. (A couple of pepperoni and one half cheese/half mushroom). 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Now, since learning how to use mindfulness to quiet my inner critic and heal my anxiety..

  • I'm traveling on my own
  • Attending workshops, conferences and retreats where I don't know a single person (and coming home with new friends)
  • Talking to that cutie in the coffee shop

And now I can stand up in front of a crowd of people to share my story and the benefits of mindfulness to help with stress, anxiety, overwhelm and doubt. (22 workshops to be exact, like a boss 😀).

Why we need to work with our inner critic to heal our anxiety. 

Our thoughts & judgements are the #1 thing that keeps us feeling stuck. 

We use our thoughts, judgements & fears to protect us from the fear of being inadequate or unworthy. 

We believe that this fear is protecting us from making a mistake and embarrassing ourselves. But really it’s blocking us from the life that we really want. 

Instead of our mind being our greatest support during challenging times its become our prison keeping us playing small. 

When you get 80% through creating a sales funnel and give up? That’s your inner critic at work. 

Fear is showing up, telling you that now isn’t the time, that it’s better to wait until later. Only “later” never comes. 

There’s never one moment where the stars align and everything feels right. There’s just this moment, right here in front of you, and when you know how to work with your inner critic you have all the tools you need when doubt shows up. 


How to Manage Social Anxiety as an Entrepreneur

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A 3-month group coaching program where I will show you the techniques and practices that will empower you to take control of your anxiety rather than letting it control you 



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The results speak for themselves...

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"Working with Charlene on mindfulness and meditation has made all the difference in my very busy life. Her calming voice is a constant reminder in the back of my head to stay present and tuned in, whether I'm eating a meal, walking down the street or working with a client. I recommend working with Charlene if you're feeling disconnected from yourself and you need to learn how to quiet the outside  noise and come home to your heart. "

Lindsay Johnson - The Radical Connector

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"Charlene stands for mindfulness in every sense of the word. Being in her presence you can't help but feel the energy she shares and the presence she brings. Would highly recommend working with her for your overall wellbeing and mindfulness goals.
Ainsley Moir - Engineer Your Brand

Ready to change your life?



Here's how it all shakes out...

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EMOTIONAL: Turn Overwhelm into Healing

Meditations to Feel More Calm & Ease

We start to feel better now with science-based actions we can take now to help our bodies feel and function better. We'll increase our self-compassion as we increase our self-awareness of how we're really feeling   functioning with my guided meditation practices to get you ready to work with your inner critic. 

Here's what you're going to learn:

  • How to pay attention to the breath. In this guided breathing practice, you'll learn how to sit and focus on the breath. This practice will help you learn how to be in the moment so that you can quickly feel more relaxed. 
  • Sitting with thoughts meditation. This practice introduces the idea of paying attention to your thoughts without attaching to them. This meditation  will help you to notice thoughts as they appear in your mind so that you can "see" what your inner critic is really saying.  
  • The Welcome Mat Meditation. This practice is a favourite of my students. In this guided meditation practice we focus on welcoming in whatever we are thinking and feeling in this moment - don't worry, we'll work up to this. 
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PHYSICAL: Turn Distress into Calm

Mental Health Skills and Strategies to Calm Your Body Down Quickly when it's Feeling Stressed Out

We'll continue to take science-based actions by using mental health skills designed to help your body and nervous system to relax quickly so that you can think clearer. 

Here's what you're going to learn:

  • How to feel more at ease in moments of discomfort.
  • The cycle between thoughts, emotions and your actions/behaviours and how to break it.
  • What to do when your thoughts start to spiral or when resistance comes up. 
  • What to do when your heart is pounding and you can't think clearly.
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ACTIONS: Turn skills into strategies.

How to take what you've learned to help you in your business and life. 

Here's what you're going to learn:

  • Develop strategies to manage anxiety during client meetings or networking events allowing for better business outcomes.
  • Cultivating resilience and coping mechanisms to navigate stressful situations commonly faced by entrepreneurs.
  • Building self-confidence and assertiveness skills to effectively network and establish meaningful professional relationships
  • improving self-esteem and overcoming imposter syndrome, enabling entrepreneurs to recognize the worth and value their contributions. 

Ready to get started today? 



Here's what you get when you join.

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12 weeks of LIVE Coaching calls. Join our weekly live coaching calls where you'll receive personalized support, guidance, and practical strategies to manage social anxiety as an entrepreneur. 

Gain confidence, overcome fear, and develop the necessary skills to navigate social situations with ease. 

(value = $1997)

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Complete our comprehensive self-assessment to gain insight into your unique triggers, patterns, and behaviour associated with social anxiety. 

Develop self-awareness, identify areas for growth, and tailor your journey towards healing and managing social anxiety. 

(value = $197)

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Guided Meditations. 

Access a library of guided meditations designed specifically to help entrepreneurs with social anxiety reduce stress, increase mindfulness, and cultivate inner peace. 


(value = $97)

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12-months access to my Online Program: FROM OVERWHELM TO EASE

Convenient learning at your own pace. Because anxiety can't be scheduled with a weekly appointment this program is designed to help you out in between live calls. 2am and you can't sleep because of your racing thoughts? You can oign in and get the healing and guidance you need inside of this program.  

(value = $697)

When you add that all up, it comes out to a value of $2988,

but you can enroll today for a special limited time offer of $297.


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Good, because there's something I need to tell you.

These are the exact strategies that I use whenever I'm faced with challenging moments. Like getting hit by a bus and needing to undergo 4 neurosurgeries over the course of 18 months. Yup, a literal bus.

Or when I ended up back in the emergency room 6 years later with a second skull bone infection and needed another 6  neurosurgeries. 

Because when life gets tough, or we get nervous or scared, that's when our inner critic and our anxiety shows up. 

Not only do I have the knowledge and training behind what I teach, but I have first hand experience to know that these skills will work for you. 

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In fact I come back to these strategies time and time again.

These mindfulness and therapeutic strategies have helped me to:

  • launch my own business
  • become a public speaker
  • travel and attend conference on my own
  • meet new people

When before my anxiety and inner critic would have convinced me that this was all "impossible" for someone like me. 


Not only was I able to make these changes in my life but I also helped me students learn how to use the power of mindfulness to quiet their inner critic. 

And now these skills are available here for you today at the low price of $297. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

No questions! I'm ready for this!

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You are so ready for this journey.

Mindfulness has helped my students learn how to stand up for themselves, to feel more confident and independent, and to take control over their thoughts and shut down their inner critic.

Now it's your turn.

To get started today click the button below.


Ready to get started? 


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