We begin on January 31, 2022



It's time to stop asking people what they think & learn how to trust what works for you.

Ready to get decisive? 

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Enroll in From Overwhelm to Ease Today

Imagine if...

you could stop all the silly worries, doubts and indecisiveness that keeps showing up as an entrepreneur so you could take small steps forward with confidence

If you're ready to stop stressing out over ever decision in your business...

From Overwhelm to Ease is for you


I'm ready to join!


"I know what it's like to hold yourself back and to think that you can't move forward in your business." 

After being hit by a bus, sustaining a traumatic brain injury and undergoing 5 neurosurgeries (so far) I'm familiar with imposter syndrome & how it shows up in our business. 

Right now I'm missing a piece of bone from my skull and I'm still here going forward. The strategies & practices inside this program will show you how you too can learn how to trust in yourself and your skills. 

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Let me know if this sounds familiar...

  • You feel scared and anxious all. the. time
  • You know that what you've been doing isn't working & that something needs to change
  • There is so much on your to-do list that it feels like their is a knife hanging over your head


You know things need to change...

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you're tired of never feeling ready or "good enough"

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you can't seem to get past that initial push of trusting yourself

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you have a hard time getting started & you keep procrastinating when it comes to your goals

You're ready for things to finally be different...

Things no longer feels sustainable and burnout feels like it's around the corner.

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How many times have your wanted to speak up & share your ideas? But before you can that little voice pops up & the next thing you know you've talked yourself out of sharing. 

I've definitely been there...

From participating in work meetings, heck, to even sharing with friends, I would have the urge to speak up & say what's on my mind. 

But the idea of putting myself out there would make me start to sweat.

And then the thoughts & worries would start up...

"Is this dumb?" "What if they laugh at me?"

But I knew there had to be a way past these fearful thoughts...

and that's when I discovered how to get rid of imposter syndrome.



Imagine how it would feel to...

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Instead of getting caught up in worries you felt confident to take one small step each day  to achieve your goals - like finally hitting publish on that blog post or YouTube video. 

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Suddenly no longer need to seek assurances from other entrepreneurs over what decisions you should make in your business. 

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Move past fear & anxiety to create the life that you want...

Like becoming a public speaker, starting your own business or writing (and publishing!) your own novel. 

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You deserve everything you put your mind to and I'm going to help you get there.


From Overwhelm to Ease

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A 4-week course where you'll learn how to reduce your stress, quiet your doubts and change your life in every way. 



The results speak for themselves...

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"Working with Charlene on Mindfulness and Meditation has made all the difference in my very busy life. Her calming voice is a constant reminder in the back of my head to stay present and tuned in, whether I'm eating a meal , walking down the street or working with a client. I recommend working with Charlene if you are feeling disconnected from yourself & you need to learn how to quiet the outside noise & come home to your heart."

Lindsay Johnson - The Radical Connector

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"Charlene has such a warm & calming energy. You can't help but feel at peace when you're near her. I did outdoor guided meditation with her & it was the perfect way to set me up for a productive day."

Nicki Iskander - RMT

Ready to take back your mind... and life? 



Here's how it all shakes out...

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Create the Foundation

The only thing that we can control is this moment. 

Here's what you're going to learn:

  • What sustainable looks (and feels like) for you
  • How to improve your task focus by doing one thing at a time
  • How to manage distractions when they inevitably show up
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Goodbye Imposter Syndrome

When you notice what's going on in your body & mind you can start to work with it. 

Here's what you're going to learn:

  • How to notice your thoughts without getting lost in them.
  • The difference between ruminating and sitting with your thoughts. 
  • How your thoughts show up inside your body & what to do about this.
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Building your Sustainable Business Toolkit

Learn how to choose your response in the moment & start to do things differently.

Here's what you're going to learn:

  • The power our thoughts have over our decisions & how to make them work FOR you instead.
  • How to retrain our brain & stop falling into the same patterns in work, relationships & life. 
  • How to use mindfulness concepts in your everyday life to improve focus, feel calmer & more in control of yourself. 
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Here's what you get when you join.

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Access to the complete From Overwhelm to Ease program (kicking off June 14, 2021)
(value = $997)
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Lifetime updates
(value = $997)

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Private invitation to The Mindfulness Community 
(value = priceless)

Plus get these juicy bonuses

BONUS #1: If you purchase during the webinar you'll get access to a planning coaching session.

During this planning session we will work through your 2022 goals so you can get clarity and have a focus to move forward. 

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BONUS #2:  When you purchase during the 24 hours after the webinar you'll also get 2 live group coaching calls.

These calls will be scheduled during your time inside From Overwhelm to Ease. You'll get the opportunity for further insight & training, as well as a chance to ask questions. 

When you add that all up, it comes out to a value of <$997>,

but you can enroll today for a special investment of $497.


One Payment

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Hey there, I'm Charlene. A Psychotherapist, Mindfulness Teacher, Speaker & Survivor of Hard Things. 

Growing up I was the dictionary definition of shy. 

I struggled with talking to pretty much anyone. Even the idea of striking up a convo with the boy I thought was cute would send me into a panic. 

I used to write out our pizza order before calling it in - and it was ALWAYS the same & not even a little bit complicated. (1 pepperoni & 1 half cheese/half mushroom). 

Now, since learning mindfulness...

  • I'm traveling on my own
  • attending workshops, conferences & retreats, where I don't know a single person in the room
  • talking to that cutie in the coffee shop 😉

In 2019 I stood up in front of a crowd of people sharing my story & teaching them the benefits of mindfulness ( 22 workshops to be exact, like a boss 😎). 



Frequently Asked Questions

No questions! I'm ready for this!

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You are so ready for this journey.

I've been teaching the therapeutic and mindfulness skills & practices that you will find in this course for YEARS! Not only do I have the lived experience to help you on your journey but I have the degrees and training to back it up. 

Everything you will find in this course has been taken from my in-person client work and workshops packaged up in an online friendly format for you to go through at your own pace. 



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